The Red Book of the Russian Federation (abbreviated as KKRF) is a document of national importance, created with the aim of detecting animals, plants, fungi, some subspecies and populations that belong to the category of rare or endangered. The reprint of the Red Book is carried out at least every 10 years. The latest actual publication was due to be released in 2017, but as of 2019, disputes continue over the listing of some species.
The list of mammals in Russia includes about 300 species. Of these, several dozen representatives of the animal kingdom were included in the KKRF. They belong to the following units:
- Predatory;
- Insectivores;
- Bats;
- Rodents
- Cetaceans;
- Pinnipeds;
- Artiodactyls;
- Ungulate.
Amur tiger
The Amur or Far Eastern tiger lives in the southeastern part of Russia. This is a protected area that extends along the banks of the Ussuri and Amur rivers. According to the 2015 census, the number of these animals amounted to 523-540 individuals.
For example, in 2013 there were fewer tigers - 450. The main reason for extinction in the 19th century is human activity - each year the number of tigers was reduced by an average of 100 individuals.
Specialists plan to resettle Amur tigers in the area of the Pleistocene Park (Yakutia). Then it will be possible to increase their population to 75 individuals. But for this it is necessary to increase the population of artiodactyl animals, which form the basis of the diet of tigers. In addition to deer, roe deer, elk, they feed on small animals, birds, fish. Tigers need about 10 kg of meat per day.
Interesting fact: The Amur tiger is the only subspecies that has a 5 cm thick layer of fat on its stomach. It helps animals survive even at very low temperatures.
Far Eastern Leopard
Amur leopard, East Siberian leopard - this predator has up to 5 names. It is considered the rarest subspecies. According to 2017, 87 individuals live in Russia. Their area is the Leopard Land National Park.
The decline in the number of Far Eastern leopards is associated with poaching. Including we are talking about animals that feed these predators. Also, people destroy forests - a natural habitat. Due to the small number of species, breeding of leopards occurs within the same population, which affects genetics badly.
The predator leads a nocturnal lifestyle, hunts alone. The diet is made up of other animals of any size, mainly ungulates. Large leopard prey lasts about a week.
Snow Leopard (snow leopard, snow leopard)
A large feline predator is common in the mountains of Central Asia. In Russia, these are Altai, Tuva, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Khakassia, Buryatia, and the Eastern Sayan mountain system. Due to the difficult conditions in which the snow leopard lives, it is one of the least studied species of its family. Perhaps the snow leopard population has not completely disappeared precisely because of its range.
According to estimates in 2019, the number of snow leopards in Russia is 63-64 individuals, of which more than 10 kittens. Evidence suggests that the population remains relatively stable. In the territory of the Russian Federation, 2-3% of snow leopards of the total number of individuals live.
Officially hunting for snow leopards is prohibited. However, poaching continues to harm their populations. Predators also suffered as a result of mass persecution of rodent pesticides that are part of their diet. Snow leopards are predominantly solitary, but sometimes family groups are found. They feed on ungulates, small animals.
Asian leopard or Caucasian leopard
It is found in Russia in the North Caucasus. The Central Asian leopard lives in forests, dense shrubs, prefers to stay closer to rocks and stones.Predators feed on medium-sized ungulates (deer, mouflon, wild boars, etc.), sometimes small animals.
The problem of the Caucasian leopard population is more than relevant. In the world, about 1000 individuals have survived. The main reason for the disappearance is human activity. The exact number of animals within the Russian Federation has not been established. However, in 2007 a special program was approved to restore the leopard population in the Caucasus.
Sea lion
A sea lion or northern sea lion is the largest species in the eared seal family. It belongs to the second category of animals, that is, to those whose number is declining. In Russia, Steller sea lions began to disappear markedly in 1890-1990, from 115,000 to 15,000 individuals. According to the latest data, their population in the waters of the Russian Federation is about 20,000.
Animals are found in the waters of the Okhotsk, Bering, Sea of Japan, as well as along the Kuril Islands and Eastern Kamchatka. Steller sea lions prefer coastal areas, islands. Their life cycle consists of migrations and periods of rookery.
The exact reason for the decline in the number of northern sea lions has not been established. Key factors: fishing, water pollution, warming, fishing, which forms the basis of the diet of sea lions. Also, Steller sea lions have natural enemies - killer whales and brown bears.
Walruses are the only representatives of their family. Young individuals are easily distinguished from adults: the latter have huge tusks. According to the basic classification of these pinnipeds are divided into Pacific and Atlantic. Another subspecies is the Pacific Laptev walrus.
Interesting fact: walrus is the largest species in the group of pinnipeds after the elephant seal. However, walruses and elephant seals are not found in the same zones, so the walrus family can be called the largest in its range.
Atlantic walrus and Laptev walrus are listed in the KKRF. The population of the first species in Russia is about 20 thousand, the second - up to 10 thousand individuals. In the case of the Atlantic walrus, the number of individuals was significantly reduced due to uncontrolled fishing. The population is also affected by climate change, natural enemies, and parasites.
Walruses live in the waters of the Chukchi, Bering, Kara, East Siberian Sea, and the Laptev Sea. They prefer the coasts and do not travel long distances.
Harbor seal
Common seal - a predatory mammal, two subspecies of which (European and Kuril) are listed in the Red Book of Russia. Seals are common in the seas belonging to the Arctic Ocean. They live in the coastal zone, bays, where strong winds do not blow. There is also a seal population on the Commander Islands.
The number is declining for several reasons: poaching, global warming, human activities in the coastal zone, attacks of natural enemies (polar bears, killer whales). The number of individuals in recent years is 4-6 thousand.
Narwhal is the only representative of a kind. Included in the 3 category of animals, as a rare species with a small number of individuals. The exact number of narwhals is unknown, but in 2019, scientists discovered about 30 individuals, among whom were young.
The usual habitat is the water area of the Arctic Ocean and the northern part of the Atlantic. Most of the narwhals suffer from poaching, as well as natural predators - killer whales, polar bears, polar sharks.
Bottlenose dolphin
Bottlenose dolphin (large dolphin) is a species of dolphins. There are several subspecies. In particular, the Black Sea bottlenose dolphin that lives in the Black Sea waters (about 7 thousand individuals) is listed in the Red Book of Russia.
Since 1996, the fishing of these dolphins has been banned. Bottlenose dolphins disappear for many reasons: fishing, spaced nets, poaching, ocean pollution of household waste, noise pollution.
Bottlenose dolphins prefer a sedentary lifestyle or move in small groups.As a rule, they live near the coast, which is explained by the nature of nutrition. A variety of fish is included in the diet of dolphins.
Interesting fact: A characteristic feature of bottlenose dolphins is well-developed cognitive abilities. For example, they understand gestures, monitor their behavior, imitate people, etc.
Blue whale
Blue or blue whale belongs to the category of baleen. It is at the same time the largest representative of cetaceans, as well as, apparently, the largest animal that has ever lived on the planet (up to 33 m in length and weight more than 150 tons).
Among the three subspecies, the northern blue whale is listed in the KKRF. It is considered typical, since it was discovered and described by the very first. In general, blue whales are considered cosmopolitan - that is, widespread. However, they are rare in the waters of Russia. For example, nearby Cape Lopatka (Kamchatka).
The greatest threat to whales was active fishing, which has been officially banned since 1966. It is difficult to establish the exact number of individuals - different sources provide conflicting data. If in the 19th century the number was several hundred thousand, now it is up to 5000.
Nowadays, blue whales suffer from collisions with ships, water pollution, and increased background noise. They are also tangled up in networks.
Polar bear
The polar bear occupies the second place among the largest land predators (after the combed crocodile). Within the Russian Federation, the species is common in the waters of the Bering Sea, the Chukchi Sea, and also on the Arctic coast of the Chukotka Autonomous Region. It is here that the largest population in the whole world is concentrated.
Polar bears feed on marine mammals. Lead a solitary lifestyle. Animals are threatened by poaching, since hunting for them has been banned in the Russian Federation since 1956. Moreover, polar bears have low reproductive potential. The number of species in our country is up to 7000.
Altai mountain ram (argali)
Altai mountain sheep is a subspecies of argali (or argali) and lives in Southeastern Altai, in the southwestern part of Tyva. These artiodactyls prefer mountainous areas where they periodically migrate in the vertical direction (in search of plant food).
It is difficult to control the number of Altai sheep because of their natural habitat. Officially, the subspecies is threatened with extinction. The reasons are uncontrolled hunting, the need to leave the area (due to grazing of livestock and reducing the amount of food), natural enemies.
A large territory of the country has all kinds of birds to populate various natural zones. About 100 species are listed in the KKRF. Many of them are common in national parks, reserves and reserves.
Black crane
Most black cranes nest in the country. Birds form several populations whose ranges are widespread from the Central Siberian Plateau to the Sikhote Alin.
The number of black cranes around the world is about 11,000. They feed on a variety of - both animal and plant foods. Prefer marshland, woody vegetation.
The most active populations of black cranes are threatened by human activities in the habitats of these birds. They migrate to Japan, where the living conditions are quite good, but epidemics regularly occur.
Interesting fact: The black crane is the least studied among its relatives. The species was discovered only in 1974.
The Siberian Crane (White Crane) is distributed exclusively in Russia, and in the form of two separate populations - eastern and western. Very demanding on living conditions, prefer an aquatic lifestyle. Because of this, it is quite difficult to maintain a look. The number of Western Siberian Siberian Cranes - 20 individuals, and the total in the world - up to 3000.
Difficulties also arise during migrations. Birds are sent to China, where the territories are too urbanized - the swamps are dried up, the land is used in agriculture.In order to preserve the population, ornithologists from different countries, including the Russian Federation, are working together on the special project “Sterkh” - they are looking for new ways to restore the number of birds.
Steppe harrier
Steppe harrier is a relatively small migratory bird. Distributed in Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Belongs to predators. It prefers natural areas such as steppe, forest-steppe and semi-deserts.
Birds often move within their range, so it is difficult to establish their numbers in the Russian Federation. The number of individuals in the world is about 40 thousand. The species is considered rare and endangered.
The steppe loons have several natural enemies (eagles, burial grounds). Also, significant impact on their habitats is caused by human influence - the destruction of vegetation in the meadows, thickets of bushes in the steppe. The total number of birds in Russia is about 5000.
White seagull
White seagulls nest on the coasts of the Arctic Ocean. The only representatives of a kind. The exact number of individuals has not been established, as well as the reasons for the decrease in the number of species. Currently, the white gull is in a zone of low risk of extinction, but still needs protection.
Probable factors that negatively affect the population are global warming, illegal hunting, and adverse environmental conditions. The diet of gulls are crustaceans and fish.
Black-throated loon
The black-throated loon represents the genus of loons. Birds live in the northern part of Russia. They prefer to equip nests in water bodies, as well as in the tundra zone. Recently, loons have noticeably moved north.
This was influenced by human activities - fishing and actively developing tourism in the coastal zone. The increase in the number of birds is prevented by predators actively hunting their eggs. Also, loons often fall into fishing nets.
Approximately 70 species of animals represent a class of reptiles in the country. About 20 species are listed in the KKRF. They are common on the coast of water bodies and in forest areas.
Far Eastern Skink
The Far Eastern skink is a genus of lizards. Lizards live on the island of Kunashir - near forests and on the river coast. The number is several thousand individuals. The danger to lizards is represented by predators like minks and economic activities.
Common copperfish
A representative of the family already distinctive in Russia is distributed in the southern part of European territory. Copperwort swim perfectly, but try to avoid dampness, preferring dry meadows and clearings. The basis of the diet is lizards.
Danger for them are birds of prey, hedgehogs, rats, etc. Also, coppers are often mistaken for poisonous snakes. The main reason for the decline in the population is the use of pesticides in agriculture.
Gyurza is the largest representative of the genus of poisonous vipers. Most common in the South Caucasus (Transcaucasian gyurza). The basis of the diet is rodents. It is considered a species whose numbers are declining. Currently - about 1000 individuals. This happens mainly due to human activity.
Interesting fact: Gyurza venom is unique and very dangerous. The toxicity is second only to the cobra venom. Widely used in medicine and pharmacology.
Amphibians in Russia are only about 30 species. About a third of them are listed in the Red Book and are endangered. At the same time, amphibians bring great benefits, destroying insects - carriers of diseases, pests.
Triton Karelina
One of the 6 species of the newt genus found on the Black Sea coast and in the mountains of the Crimean peninsula. In the KKRF is listed as a species with an undefined status. It is under protection in the Caucasian reserve (about 200 individuals). The number of populations is declining due to drainage of water bodies.
Reed toad
In the country, reed toad is found in the Kaliningrad region.The risk of species extinction is minimal, but human activity adversely affects the population. Amphibians are characterized by diverse living conditions. It can live both on dry, warmed territories, and on wet coasts. The average density of the species is up to 10 individuals per hectare.
Ussuri clawed newt
Distributed in the Far East of the country, where it inhabits coniferous and mixed forests. It feeds on mollusks and insects. The main thing for this type of newts is the availability of suitable living conditions. He needs moisture, coolness and shaded areas.
The abundance of the species is estimated as low with a slight increase in some areas. It is protected in several reserves.
As a result of intensive fishing, the number of fish has significantly decreased since the second half of the 20th century. Additional negative factors include an increase in the number of ships, pollution, and the extraction of building materials.
Atlantic sturgeon
The largest species in the sturgeon family. It was found in the waters of the Black and Baltic Seas. The basis of the diet is smaller fish species. Sturgeon was considered rare in the 20th century, and is currently on the verge of extinction due to intensive fishing. Isolated cases of catch are known. It is impossible to reproduce the view artificially.
Beluga was once considered a valuable commercial fish, but now the species is included in the category of endangered. Since 2000, fishing has been prohibited in the country. Active fishing, hydro construction, poor reproduction of the species are the main factors in reducing the population size.
Beluga are predators and are considered the largest representatives of freshwater fish.
Interesting fact: the largest beluga weighed 1224 kg or 1.2 tons. The body weight was 667 kg, head - 288 kg, calf - 146.5 kg.
Sturgeon fish is found in such rivers as Kama, Dnieper, Kuban, Ural and Don. It feeds on fish roe and invertebrates that inhabit the bottom. According to conservation status, sterlet is a vulnerable species.
The number of populations decreases for several reasons: water pollution, poaching, shallowing of water bodies. In addition, reservoirs and hydroelectric power stations are being built on the rivers, which interfere with the purification of water, and also prevent fish from getting from the sea to the river, where it tends to spawn.
Brown trout
Trout is a fish of the salmon family, which is represented by several subspecies. In Russia, depending on the species, it is found in the waters of the Baltic Sea, lakes of Karelia, in rivers in the Leningrad, Tver, Novgorod and other regions.
At present, the abundance of trout is rapidly declining, and in some reservoirs the fish has completely disappeared. The main reasons are water pollution, the construction of hydroelectric power stations, illegal fishing.
Chinese perch
The perch is found in the rivers Ussuri and Amur, in the northwestern part of Sakhalin, in Lake Khanka. It feeds on smaller fish and an insufficient amount of food is included in the list of the main factors of population decline. It is also an object of mass catch and suffers from environmental pollution.
Insects form the most important link in the food chain and represent the largest group of animals. In Russia, tens of thousands of their varieties are common. About 100 species are recorded in the KKRF.
Stag beetle
The largest beetle within Europe. In our country, it is often found on European territory (including in the Belgorod and Voronezh regions). Beetles feed on bark, wood, nectar, dew, etc. Recently, a decrease in the population has been observed everywhere and the reason for this is human forestry.
Interesting fact: stag beetle is interesting for collectors who collect individuals in unreasonable quantities.
Smooth bronze
Smooth bronze lives in the central part of the country. Insects prefer old forests with large trees.They feed on the sap of trees, sometimes found on fruits and flowers. Despite the lack of accurate data, scientists believe that the number of beetles is reduced due to the destruction of forests, old trees.